In a tragic incident, gunmen have killed an Internally Displaced Person (IDP) who was returning from farm in Tse-Iyo village, Sengev Ward, Gwer West local government area of Benue State.
The incident occurred on Sunday evening and has left the community in mourning.
According to Ibaah Jacob, a former camp manager of Agagbe IDPs camp in Gwer West LGA, the victim, Ikyumbu Aondowase, 30, was ambushed by the attackers while he was returning from the farm with a group of others.
Jacob recounted the tragic events, stating, “Yesterday, July 14, 2024, armed men successfully attacked and killed Mr Ikyumbu Aondowase, 30. Mr Achin Terzungwe, 45, was one of those wounded badly during the attack and was rushed to Naka Hospital for treatment.”
Jacob further explained that the attack was a well-planned ambush. “They had taken the path that leads to Tse-Iorbogo while coming back from farms, unknown to them the gunmen had already laid an ambush on the bad spot of the road. On reaching the spot, the attackers started shooting at them and Aondowase was killed immediately. Others like Terzungwe who was badly wounded escaped. However, five people among them are still missing.”
The attackers shot Aondowase on the spot, resulting in his immediate death. The others managed to escape with varying degrees of bullet wounds. Among those wounded was Achin Terzungwe, who was severely injured and taken to Naka Hospital for urgent medical attention.
Despite the severity of the incident, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) in Benue State, SP Catherine Anene, stated that she was not aware of the attack.
LEADERSHIP reports that the incident adds to the growing insecurity and violence faced by IDPs in the State.
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