You’ve got a high IQ if you can spot the hidden object in this brain teaser – but can you do it in under 30 seconds?

You’ve got a high IQ if you can spot the hidden object in this brain teaser - but can you do it in under 30 seconds?

THERE are many different types of brain teasers out there, some can alter the way you see the world and others are like a workout for your mind. But this clever brain teaser will test your IQ, all you have to do is find the hidden object before the clock runs out. 2 There’s a … Read more

You have the eyes of a hawk if you can spot this toy reindeer in less than ten seconds – so, how long did it take you?

You have the eyes of a hawk if you can spot this toy reindeer in less than ten seconds - so, how long did it take you?

WHEN their kid dropped the festive toy reindeer on the floor, it took a good while for the parent to find it. So can YOU spot the item that’s left people scratching their heads? 1 Reddit users have been left scratching their heads with this brainteaser – so, can YOU solve it?Credit:… You have the … Read more

You have 20/20 vision and a high IQ if you can spot all five guards with triangle masks in Squid Game brainteaser

You have 20/20 vision and a high IQ if you can spot all five guards with triangle masks in Squid Game brainteaser

ONLY those with perfect eyesight who can keep calm under pressure will be able to solve this tricky brainteaser in record time. Fans of the Netflix series Squid Game may fare better with this challenge than others. 8 Test your vision and IQ with this Squid Game brainteaser – where are the five… You have … Read more

Everyone can see the angry referee – but you need 20/20 vision to spot the three differences in just 12 seconds

Everyone can see the angry referee - but you need 20/20 vision to spot the three differences in just 12 seconds

THIS is the brain-teaser that challenges you to spot the difference between two raging referees. Both of them are in a huff about an on-field incident, but the two pictures are not completely identical. 7 Spot the three differences between the picturesCredit: jagranjosh This puzzle might bring back… Everyone can see the angry referee – … Read more

Everyone can spot the football but you have 20/20 vision if you can find the five missing tickets in less than 9 seconds

Everyone can spot the football but you have 20/20 vision if you can find the five missing tickets in less than 9 seconds

CHALLENGE your intelligence and test your vision with this tricky brainteaser that only those with a 20/20 vision can solve. You will be crowned a genius if you crack the puzzle in less than nine seconds. 8 Spot the hidden match tickets in less than nine secondsCredit: LA Travel Only a few people… Everyone can … Read more