I’m a jeweller and there are six subtle signs your other half wants you to pop the question

I’m a jeweller and there are six subtle signs your other half wants you to pop the question

I’m a jeweller and there are six subtle signs your other half wants you to pop the question …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> CHRISTMAS is fast approaching, and many people may be wondering if they will get asked that all-important question before the year is over. According to jewellery experts, there are a number of subtle … Read more

I first met my boyfriend when I was a kid in his smoothie shop – now I’m 21, he’s 44 & I’m stepmum to his kids

I first met my boyfriend when I was a kid in his smoothie shop - now I’m 21, he’s 44 & I’m stepmum to his kids

I first met my boyfriend when I was a kid in his smoothie shop – now I’m 21, he’s 44 & I’m stepmum to his kids …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> A WOMAN has raised eyebrows online after after sharing how she met her boyfriend who is 23 years her senior. Ellie Liptrot, 21, and her … Read more

I’m a private investigator – four signs your partner is cheating, and how they cover their tracks

I’m a private investigator - four signs your partner is cheating, and how they cover their tracks

I’m a private investigator – four signs your partner is cheating, and how they cover their tracks …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> A PRIVATE investigator has revealed four signs that your partner is cheating. Cheating is one of the biggest betrayals someone can go through in a relationship, and can rip apart families and cause irreversible … Read more

Why Brits NEED steamy sex scenes & the best shows to watch to reignite a spark, it’s not just Rivals & Bridgerton

Why Brits NEED steamy sex scenes & the best shows to watch to reignite a spark, it’s not just Rivals & Bridgerton

Why Brits NEED steamy sex scenes & the best shows to watch to reignite a spark, it’s not just Rivals & Bridgerton …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> IF you’re looking to reignite the spark between you and your partner, then Jilly Cooper’s long-awaited new bonk-buster Rivals might be top of the list.  Since premiering on Disney+ … Read more