How petty Putin’s disastrous revival of Soviet ‘Friendship Games’ he bragged would rival Olympics completely failed

How petty Putin’s disastrous revival of Soviet ‘Friendship Games’ he bragged would rival Olympics completely failed

How petty Putin’s disastrous revival of Soviet ‘Friendship Games’ he bragged would rival Olympics completely failed …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> FOR over a year Putin has bragged about his own version of the Olympic Games – only to abort them in a humiliating U-turn. His grand plan to revive the Soviet Friendship Games promised 5,500 … Read more

Watch spotlights and tracer bullets rip through night sky above Odesa as crack drone hunters repel horror Putin blitz

Watch spotlights and tracer bullets rip through night sky above Odesa as crack drone hunters repel horror Putin blitz

Watch spotlights and tracer bullets rip through night sky above Odesa as crack drone hunters repel horror Putin blitz …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> WATCH how brave Ukrainians use tracer bullets and spotlights to shoot down Iranian-made drones used by Putin to terrorise innocent civilians. Footage showed how local groups of volunteers in Odesa, the major … Read more

Watch as rampaging Syrian Islamist rebels tear down Assad statue in ‘Saddam moment’ & burn Russian flag ‘for Allah’

Watch as rampaging Syrian Islamist rebels tear down Assad statue in ‘Saddam moment’ & burn Russian flag ‘for Allah’

Watch as rampaging Syrian Islamist rebels tear down Assad statue in ‘Saddam moment’ & burn Russian flag ‘for Allah’ …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> THIS is the moment Syrian Islamist rebels toppled a statue of Bashar al-Assad’s late brother in a chilling allusion to the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime. Separate footage showed militants tearing down … Read more

Sudan is engaged in murderous civil war and stadiums have become graveyards but football brings a touch of humanity

Sudan is engaged in murderous civil war and stadiums have become graveyards but football brings a touch of humanity

Sudan is engaged in murderous civil war and stadiums have become graveyards but football brings a touch of humanity …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> SUDAN is engaged in a murderous civil war and yet football carries on, bringing a touch of humanity amid terrible suffering. Football is a long way from perfection but time and plenty … Read more

Watch moment Ukrainians blow up £80MILLION Russian missile system using a drone as driver desperately tries to escape

Watch moment Ukrainians blow up £80MILLION Russian missile system using a drone as driver desperately tries to escape

Watch moment Ukrainians blow up £80MILLION Russian missile system using a drone as driver desperately tries to escape …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> THIS is the moment Ukraine blows up an £80m Russian missile system with a drone. The craft chases the expensive Buk-M3 air defence system and hammers it with two bombs, causing it to … Read more