Health and wellness coach, Yetunde Laura, in four years of operation, has trained over 25,000 people across the globe and helped more than 3, what 000 people from over 15 countries to lose weight permanently without pills, gyms, teas, diets, or surgery. All these were achieved while drastically improving their health and without jeopardising their fun or taste.
This was made known by Laura, who is the CEO of Dream Body By Laura Limited, when she launched her book titled, ‘Lose or Gain Weight While Having Fun’ last weekend.
The wellness Coach also stated that
her inspiration behind ‘Lose or Gain Weight While Having Fun’ was because of the numerous of requests by women on how to lose weight.
The CEO, who unveiled her website, noted that though she had written six books on weight loss, “clients were still worried on issues around weight loss and the requests increased as women battled fitness issues and needed advice on striking a balance between nutrition and gaining and losing weight.
“As a health and wellness coach who majors in weight management, I used to talk more about weight loss because the demand is higher.
“There were requests from those who needed to sustain their weight loss.even though this is already captured in my coursen ‘Sustainable Weight -loss Blueprint’, I decided to write another book to address all weight needs including weight gain, weight loss, and weight maintenance. So, writing one to address the diverse weight needs seems like a good idea based on the various demands.”
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