Abbas, Kalu’s All-inclusive Leadership Style Behind Stable 10th House Of Reps — Ugochinyere

Abbas, Kalu's All-inclusive Leadership Style Behind Stable 10th House Of Reps — Ugochinyere

Member of the House of Representatives, representing Ideato North/South federal constituency of Imo State, Hon. Ikenga Ugochinyere, has said that the Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Tajudeen Abbas and Deputy Speaker Rt Hon. Benjamin Kalu’s all-inclusive administration style has kept the 10th House stable.

Ugochinyere, who’s the Chairman of the House Committee on Petroleum Resources (Downstream), in a statement on Friday, noted that the duo’s leadership style and approach to governance has played a pivotal role in fostering a sense of inclusivity within the parliament.

According to him, Speaker Abbas and Kalu have embraced a collaborative approach that transcends party lines, fostering an environment where all voices are not only heard but also valued.

Ugochinyere also said that the duo empowered members of the House to actively participate in the legislative process, instilling a sense of ownership and accountability in them.

The lawmaker, commending the Speaker and Deputy Speaker, said that this all-inclusive approach has been instrumental in garnering support for their leadership, adding that their colleagues feel that their perspectives were not only acknowledged but also integrated into the decision-making process of the House of Representatives.

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