In a heartwarming Incident, a young couple was recently sent to the same National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) orientation camp, sparking joy and excitement among them.
The couple’s delight was visible as they joyously celebrated their stroke of luck.
Captured in a video that has since gone viral, the couple could be seen beaming with happiness, dressed in their vibrant NYSC ceremonial attire, as they danced hand in hand.
The video quickly made its way across social media platforms, eliciting an outpour of warm wishes and admiration from netizens.
The lady, overwhelmed with happiness, shared the video with the caption:
“POV: You went to NYSC orientation camp with your husband.”
The couple’s joy touched the hearts of many, who couldn’t help but feel a sense of the shared joy.
Netizens flooded the comment section, expressing their delight at the couple’s luck.
Some even jokingly suggested that the couple had won a free vacation, given how rare such an occurrence happened.
Amidst the lighthearted banter, genuine happiness and well-wishes prevailed.
As the video continues to circulate it has undeniably garnered the attention of netizens, sparking mixed reactions from viewers online.
Here are some reactions from viewers:
@effedeborah : “Na vacation dem go so”
@iamdbull : “Is it true that dey knack people’s wives in camp?”
@am_blaise : “Sending hate from ketu Lagos and you?😏”
@tikspage : “His allowee is their allowee and her allowee is hers alone😂”
Watch the video below:
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