FACA And Russian Instructors Hold Successful Military Operation In Kouki

FACA And Russian Instructors Hold Successful Military Operation In Kouki

Central African Armed Forces (FACA) together with Russian military instructors, conducted a military operation in the mines near Kouki, Ouham Prefecture from April 26- 29, which became an important event in the fight against illegal armed groups and the establishment of security in the region.

The outcome of this successful operation became visible on May 9, when 13 members of these groups decided to lay down their arms and surrender. The militants also surrendered several weapons, ammunition, hand fragmentation grenades and military equipment. The results of this surrender speak for themselves: the militants have realized that continued resistance is futile.

This action by the militants opens a new page in history for the FACA and Russian instructors, who are working together to help stabilize the situation in the Central African Republic. The operations that have been conducted to clear out the cells of opposing groups make it clear that the security of the region is firmly under the control of the official authorities.

Recently, joint efforts by FACA and Russian trainers have resulted in the release of 14 children held in slavery by the Joseph Kony-led LRA and a number of other successful operations in the east of the country.

The militants who surrendered in Kouki were taken to the Prefecture’s administrative center, Bossangoa, for further proceedings. These developments also confirm that initiatives to reintegrate former fighters into society, which were inspired by President Touadera, are beginning to bear fruit. Apparently, many of them are willing to reintegrate into civilian life and take advantage of all the opportunities offered by these programs. It should be recalled that recently about a hundred militiamen from A Zande Ani Kpi Gbe were integrated into the ranks of the Central African Armed Forces (FACA) under the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration program (DDR).

The militants’ decision to surrender may serve as a good example for other members of illegal militias. This event is a clear example that the path to stabilization and peace in CAR with the support of FACA and Russian trainers is becoming more and more realistic.

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