Iron Rod Distributors Seek Prosecution Of African Steel Over Substandard Products  

Iron Rod Distributors Seek Prosecution Of African Steel Over Substandard Products  

The Iron Rod and Steel Distributors Employers Union of Nigeria (IRSDEUN) has hailed the Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) for sealing off African Steel Ltd in Ikorodu, Lagos State, for allegedly producing substandard products.

The union, in a statement signed by its national president, Chief Gbenga Awoyale, a copy of which was made available to LEADERSHIP on Thursday, commended SON for taking the decisive action against the manufacturer, emphasising the importance of upholding quality standards in the industry.


It, however, called on the federal government to prosecute the erring manufacturer to serve as deterrence to would-be offenders.


“We commend the SON for sealing up of one the biggest steel rolling mills in the country – African Steel Ltd, Ikorodu which is also the parent company of African Foundries Ltd, Ikorodu and Abuja Steel Ltd. We note that this is not the first time the errant company would be caught in the act, but the inability of federal government to prosecute erring manufacturers have made ceremonial rituals of sealing them up unyielding.


“It is worthy of emphasis, that there is no justification for not prosecuting the steel rolling company as a deterrent for others whom have continued to expose Nigeria to risks of substandard products, especially in the manufacturing sector. It has caused this nation so much in life and fortune and still portends even greater hazards to infrastructure and public safety,” it stated.


The union emphasised that quality control is paramount in the construction industry as any compromise in standards can have far-reaching consequences.


It urged the government to send a strong message to manufacturers who flout regulations and endanger the integrity of their products.


“The sealing of African Steel Ltd serves as a stark reminder of the importance of regulatory oversight in ensuring the quality and safety of construction materials, as industry stakeholders, we stand united in our support of SON’s actions and are hopeful that this will be taken further to serve as a deterrent to others in the industry,” it added.

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