Man calls out is friend who scammed him of over 42 million naira

Man calls out is friend who scammed him of over 42 million naira

A Nigerian man who identifies as @TheObiLeonard has called out a friend via X (Twitter) for scamming him of over 42 million naira ($30,000).

He shared that the friend who duped him Raphael Udo was having financial issues with Financial Inland Revenue Services (FIRS).

He had promised to refund them when he had access to finance which was held down by the FIRS but absconded with their money.

His tweet read;

“Roughly three months ago, Raphael Udo (The dude in the video) came to my apartment in Lagos sharing that he had some financial problems with the FIRS (Federal Inland Revenue Services) He mentioned how he got locked out of his funds of over N107,000,000 (USD 71,000+). We (My friends and I), were sympathetic to his cause and decided to lend a helping hand. Before I continue, let me talk about how I got to know him. Raphael and I met on a video game platform (Fortnite) in 2023. We connected and played a few games together. His game tag is Okila_R_ (For anyone who might know him by this tag) I was happy to connect with him because he presented himself as a well-skilled 3D & Motion Artist. He also shared his Upwork profile with me, which was very convincing. Here is a detailed breakdown of the series of events that played out while he lived with us (Myself and my flatmates): – How he moved into our apartment with us: Raphael was shuffling between hotels and apartments in January before he finally moved in with us early February He mentioned he needed a computer to continue working as he didn’t have any at the time, so, I offered to help with the rental.  I sent him the money to purchase the computer on rental about three times and he never for once, received any computer. He kept on spinning lies around how there was either a delay or how the money miraculously went into thin air without achieving its purpose. At the time, I believed all these We also had to raise about N1,700,000 to help assist with the admission of his dying nephew into the hospital because according to him, the child had suffered internal bleeding after falling off a trampoline. He used this and other tactics to coerce us into giving him more cash. Later in March, he brought up the need to travel to Abuja to help sort out the FIRS issue he had. We boarded our flights (Which I paid for) and headed to Abuja. We arrived in Abuja (Myself, him, and my Friend) and booked a reservation. The next day after we arrived, we started making steps towards resolving the FIRS issue he had.”

See tweets below,

See also some transactional receipts below,

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