Video Of Groom Passionately Praying And speaking In Tongues Over His Bride At Their Wedding Stirs Reaction Online (VIDEO)

Video Of Groom Passionately Praying And speaking In Tongues Over His Bride At Their Wedding Stirs Reaction Online (VIDEO)

A video capturing a groom praying fervently and speaking in tongues over his bride during their wedding ceremony has taken the internet by storm.

The video, shared by Yathu Media, has sparked curiosity and mixed reactions among viewers.

In the video, the groom is seen placing his hand on the bride’s head, enveloping her in a passionate prayer

His words can be heard throughout the venue as he beseeches for divine intervention and blessings for their journey ahead.

The groom’s fervent plea, caught on camera, includes appeals for the “power” and “anointing” to descend upon his beloved partner.

His passionate prayerful demonstration during this moment has left many netizens in awe, some amused and pondering on the significance of his actions.

The video quickly gained traction online, drawing attention from netizens online

Some viewers were moved by the groom’s faith and saw it as a beautiful expression of love.

Others, however, found themselves puzzled, seeking to understand the cultural or religious context behind such an intense act in such a moment for joy and celebration.

As the video continues to circulate online, it as undeniably garnered the attention of netizens online, sparking reactions amongst netizens and viewers alike.

Watch the video below:

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